The Drinking Water Tool was developed with two user pathways. The first, Your Water Data, allows you to learn about water management, supply, and quality based on a specific address. The second pathway, California Water Data, provides both interactive layers with summary data tables and a series of reference data layers that allow you to overlay or compare data. Information on the development processes of new data only available in this tool is available on the Methodology page. The Data page provides a brief data layer description and zipped data folders for downloads.
This Using These Tools page navigates you through the California Water Data part of this webtool. It highlights several elements to consider when reviewing a groundwater sustainability plan (GSP) and planning for drought-resilient rural communities and small water systems. It introduces you to key webtool features and the information available in California Water Data.
The Your Water Data pathway helps you answer the question: Where Does My Drinking Water Come From? It provides a data-driven answer based on the public and state small water system boundaries and domestic well areas in the tool. Before getting results, you must confirm whether you receive drinking water from a water system or from a domestic well. Results for water management, supply, quality, and threats are contingent on data availability for the address selected.
The top three layers are interactive and provide you with a snapshot of the data: Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSA), Counties, and Public and State Small Water Systems. Only one interactive layer can be turned on at a time. No layers are displayed until a layer is selected. A pop-up tour is available to help you navigate the different data layers. A data table will appear in the left-hand menu based on the selected interactive layer.
The remaining data is organized into six reference layer categories, each with different data sets. Click the blue info-bubble next to any layer to see its description. These layers are not interactive– you cannot click on the map to learn more or isolate a census place name, or specific data value. They are useful for visualizing data in relation to each other and in relation to the interactive layers to answer questions like the following:
The Other Boundaries category includes groundwater sustainability agency and county boundaries, for use if these interactive layers are not selected. Additional boundaries, like state Senate and Assembly Districts or Bulletin 118 groundwater basins, can serve as a backdrop for understanding other data layers. The Alluvial Boundary shows the geographic extent of the drought scenario analysis; it is set to appear anytime you select a Drought Scenario result under Groundwater Supply.
Questions or comments? Please contact the Community Water Center.